When you meet different people and ask about their well-being, you’ll find that each person is afflicted with some kind of difficulty and is seeking a way out of their trouble. But when we see this, do we ever reflect that Allah has placed them in that difficulty, while He has saved us? Why is that? Are we some special creation of Allah on this earth? Certainly not.
We should reflect on the ease that Allah has granted us and the hardship of the person in front of us, realizing that the same difficulty could have befallen us. After all, everyone’s boat is in the whirlpool; at any moment, something unfortunate could happen to anyone, but it didn’t happen to us. For this, our tongues should always be uttering words of gratitude, for this is nothing but Allah’s grace. So let’s see what is mentioned about this in the sacred Hadith.
In a Hadith, it is stated that when you see someone in trouble and express gratitude for your own good state, you are protected from that affliction. In other words, if you see someone in distress and thank Allah for your good condition, you will be safeguarded from the hardship that the other person is enduring. And this is what we all desire—to always remain protected from difficulties.
The Hadith prescribes a prayer to recite in such moments (Kisi Ko Takleef Me Dekhkar Padhne Wali Dua), and if you recite it, words of gratitude will flow from your tongue, and you will be kept safe from that hardship. The Hadith is as follows…
Hadith Sharif: Whoever recites this prayer upon seeing someone afflicted with difficulty will be protected from that trouble and hardship. (Tirmidhi Sharif 3432)
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي عَافَانِي مِمَّا ابْتَلاَكَ بِهِ وَفَضَّلَنِي عَلَى كَثِيرٍ مِمَّنْ خَلَقَ تَفْضِيلاً

Transliteration: Alhamdulillahil-lazi aafani mimma-btalaaka bihi wa faddalani ‘ala kaseerin mimman khalaqa tafdeela
“All praise is for Allah who has saved me from the trouble in which you have been afflicted.”
Remember, this prayer has not been suggested by anyone else but has been mentioned in the Hadith. So, speaking of its virtue, may Allah the Almighty grant us all the ability to recite it and protect us from the hardships of the world, while also granting ease to others in their difficulties.